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Anthony Garner

Thomas' Fireman.

Age (in 1955): 49.

pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Gay

Close Friend: Steven

Partner: Bob

Appearance Description

Tony has darkish brown hair and brown eyes, with fairly pale skin that burns easy, thats brushed to the side but is usually fairly messy. He has a lot of scars and scraps on his skin from various accidents and injuries over the years.

His uniform is scrapped, stained, and scuffed, with many areas sewed up, and certain buttons not matching eachother. It's usally coated in soot and coal dust, or at least very dirty.

His usual go to is a two toned blue shirt and jeans, with well worn and scuffed black shoes. He has a blue tartan cap that he wears on occasion.


Tony is from a farm near Crovans Gate, Sodor. Born to a nice but overwhelming family.

He had a long life before the railway, at 20 he helped defend a cafe that became a queer hotspot, and he took part in several protests over the years.

He originally didn't want to work on the railway, but after picking up some none contract work from there at 17, he very quickly found he loved it, and applied that day.

In 1948 he got hired as a fireman on the Skarloey Railway. But later got offered a job in the N.W.R and quickly accepted.

Quick Facts!

  • Due to his... bad track record with driving engines, Tony has been given the offer to stay as a fireman and never progress to driver. They call it a "offer", it was a plea.
  • He likes to play piano! Badly, but some songs he can play quite gracefully!
  • He's SUPER GOOD at cards. His favourite is crazy 8s, but he's also good at snap, poker, blackjack, go fish, and solitaire (which he's adapted into a two player game)